Customerlabs CDP Documentation

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A fast, highly scalable, cost-effective, and fully managed cloud data warehouse for analytics, with built-in machine learning. Create your own data marketing lake with BigQuery by storing all your customer event data in one place. CustomerLabs can send the event data into BigQuery with a single click without having to write any code.

To sync your data with BigQuery, you have to follow the following three steps:

  1. Create a project if not already created and enable BigQuery API for the selected project. 
  2. Add IAM reference ID as a BigQuery user in your Google Cloud account. 
  3. Enable Billing
  4. Copy the project ID and paste it in CustomerLabs

Create a Project and Enable BigQuery API

1. Log in to your Google Cloud Platform,  select a project, or create one if you haven’t created one. 

Google Cloud Big Query dashboard screen showing create a project option

2. Copy the project ID of the new project/relevant project that you want to connect.

List of all the recent projects with the project ID inside BigQuery

3. Check if the BigQuery API is enabled for the chosen project.

BigQuery is automatically enabled in new projects. To activate BigQuery in an existing project, enable the BigQuery API.

BigQuery API with API enabled to integrate CustomerLabs CDP and BigQuery.

Add IAM reference ID

1. Open your Google Cloud platform and navigate to IAM & Admin → IAM → The project you want to connect → Under Permissions, View by principals tab → Grant access

IAM & Admin inside BigQuery Google Cloud

2. In the Add Principals section → paste the Service account ID ([email protected]) under New principals text box. 

Getting access to BigQuery Project to integrate the data from CustomerLabs to BigQuery

3. Assign the following roles and click on Save.

  • BigQuery Data Owner
  • BigQuery Job User
Assigning roles screen for the project to send data.

Enable Billing

  1. If you haven’t enabled billing, navigate to Billing and linked billing account.
  2. Make sure, your billing is active.

Note: Billing should be enabled for the project to be active.

Configure the project ID in the CustomerLabs

1. Login to your CustomerLabs account.

2. Navigate to “Destinations” and select BigQuery 

CustomerLabs CDP destination dashboard showing BigQuery integration card

3. You will see a pop-up screen, click on Enable and then go to Configuration settings

BigQuery configuration settings to connect and authenticate BigQuery inside CustomerLabs

4. Now, paste your Google project ID which you had copied from your cloud account → Save Changes

You have successfully connected CustomerLabs with BigQuery for sending your data.


Salesforce to BigQuery Data Integration: You can send data from your Salesforce CRM to BigQuery through CustomerLabs CDP seamlessly.

Hubspot to BigQuery Data Integration: You can sync your first party data in Hubspot to BigQuery through CustomerLabs first-party data CDP without much effort.

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