Customerlabs CDP Documentation

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Change Log

This Change Log serves as a source to comprehensively record all modifications, enhancements, and features added over a period of time. This helps us to track the development progress and maintains transparency for all the stakeholders involved. Additionally, this acts as a source for historical analysis.

July 2024

22nd July 2024
  • BigQuery: We have optimised the data storage and processing abilities by migrating destination logs and datasets to BigQuery. 
  • HomePage: Take a look at our newly designed Home Page.
01st July 2024
  • Limechat Update: The new Limechat endpoint was optimised and implemented.

June 2024

17th June 2024
  • Onboarding Documents: CustomerLabs has added a new section “Onboarding documents” in Help. This serves as a log to record all customizations made to an account, ensuring transparency for all stakeholders.
10th June 2024
  • Data Standardisation: As part of data standardisation efforts, source/website data with null, empty or undefined values will no longer be stored.
03rd June 2024
  • Meta: Meta’s recent policy has dismissed custom parameters. CustomerLabs has released an update abiding by Meta’s policy.
  • Google Analytics: GA4 now includes user ID in User data. CustomerLabs has updated the same which creates more unified user profiles.

May 2024

27th May 2024
  • UI Fixes: Interface fixes were resolved within the Home, Destinations, Events Manager, and Audiences Menus.
20th May 2024
  • Callback function: CustomerLabs has implemented a callback function, which allows you to define functions & other implementations that can be invoked upon successful instantiation of the CustomerLabs instance.
13th May 2024
  • Source-Webhook: The Webhook URL for the custom-branding accounts has been updated in the Sources.
06th May 2024
  • LinkedIn CAPI: This Conversions API enables the transfer of online and offline conversion to LinkedIn Campaign Manager via client-side and server-side events.
  • Measurement Protocol in Google Analytics: CustomerLabs now captures session_id from the client-side events and stitches it in server-side events. This improves attribution and campaign conversion.

April 2024

29th April 2024
  • Node version: Ensured a Node.js version compatibility refresh for sources and server-side destinations.
  • Shopify Event Tracking Script: The Event Tracking script for Shopify implementation has undergone optimization through dynamic code implementation.
22nd April 2024
  • Enhanced Filtration: The incoming data from the source can be filtered using the “custom query field” to filter data from the deep nested fields.
  • Clone Workflow: This new feature saves time in creating workflows by automatically cloning the existing source workflows.
15th April 2024
  • Consent for Destination Integration: CustomerLabs has implemented User consent settings for Destination Integrations, ensuring adherence to GDPR and other privacy regulations.
  • Cookie Cleanup: Optimized client-side storage by conducting a cookie cleanup, minimizing the impact of tracking cookies.
  • Filtration criteria: Two new filters were implemented. One filter restricts the audience to those who interacted yesterday (Dynamic Yesterday). The other filter in the Build workflow setup ensures that the incoming number data has valid conditional values.
08th April 2024
  • 1P Domain Tracking – CustomerLabs offers comprehensive domain ownership tracking across all e-commerce platforms, including Shopify and non-Shopify. This functionality is included in all subscription plans, for both Agency and Growth Accounts.
  • Monitoring – Enhanced Destination Logs usability by enabling sorting based on ‘Triggered at’ and ‘Processed at’ timestamps.
01st April 2024
  • Defect resolutions – Implemented a functionality update in Google Ads and Google Analytics to ensure the ‘Save Changes’ button is enabled only when modifications are made to the Destination configuration settings.
  • IPv4 and IPv6 -IP address and user agent information are crucial for achieving EMQ. Following our support for IPv4, we’ve now extended the functionality for IPv6.

March 2024

25th March 2024
  • 1P Domain Tracking – The introduction of 1P Domain Tracking has empowered businesses to efficiently include domains and subdomains to counter adblockers on websites, ensuring retention of server-side cookie data.
  • Facebook Audience Sync – CustomerLabs now allows users to modify the custom audience name with an autogenerated Segment ID, a custom name, or to retain the Audience name to enhance audience identification in Facebook Audience Sync. Additionally, the “Exclude Audience” checkbox enables a particular audience to be tailored thus increasing the efficiency of custom audiences sent to Facebook.
  • Event Initialisation – Event tracking is now triggered directly upon execution of the tracking code JavaScript file, removing the delay for initialization.


  • Audience Dashboard – Users can now save the audiences in Drafts and activate them later from Archive Audiences. The Audience page now showcases extra details such as active destinations, audience size, and various other insights.
  • Integrations – CustomerLabs now enables integrations with Meta CRM Pixel, Jotform, KickBox, Maropost, and LimeChat.
  • Meta’s Limited Data Use – CustomerLabs now facilitates Meta’s limited data use by complying with various US State privacy regulations.
  • Google Consent Mode – CustomerLabs also enables Google Consent Mode to the UK and EEA users balancing Ads and privacy.
  • Advantage+Shopping Campaigns – CustomerLabs audiences can be synchronized directly with Facebook through a convenient toggle switch, enabling their effective use in the Advantage+Shopping campaign.
  • Accounts console – CustomerLabs now has an accounts console for managing accounts, users, and performing essential actions. This also serves as an Agency Management System and Account Management System for Agency plan subscribers and non-Agency plan subscribers respectively.
  • Custom Branding for Agency Accounts – CustomerLabs now provides branding customization tailored for agency accounts.
  • Destination Logs – The Destination Logs offer a thorough perspective on event data logs, providing insights into the status and processing details of data transmitted across different integrated destinations.
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