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Advanced Matching In Facebook For Web



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In one of the developer documents dated July 2018, Facebook mentions that it released an automatic version of advanced matching for its pixel. The advanced matching feature is a very important feature that helps advertisers to enhance their ad campaign performance. Especially after the iOS14+ updates and the other data privacy regulations, it becomes difficult for Facebook to collect data efficiently. 

Let’s delve to know everything about it, and how to maximize your ad campaign performance.

Advanced Matching For Facebook Pixel

Advanced matching in Facebook finds the fields on the form and other places that collect name, email address, phone number, and other information, to send back to Meta’s server from the browser. This feature is a boon for marketers who are looking to increase their ad campaign performance.

Facebook’s advanced matching works only when the pixel is set up correctly. Pixel tracks all the user behavior across the website and syncs it with Meta’s ad platform. However, pixel tracking has its own limitations. When the user logs out or when the browser cookies are cleared or blocked, there is a loss in the signals that Meta’s pixel collects and sends to the Meta Ad platform. 

Mitigate the Signal Loss using Conversions API

How Does Advanced Matching Help Increase Ad Campaign Performance?

Facebook’s pixel tracks all the user behavior and sends it to Meta along with the event details. For Facebook to match those events with the users, it becomes essential for the pixel to collect highly important details. Meta can match the users in the account center exactly using deterministic matching when it has certain parameters. 

For higher event match quality, by matching the users in its account center, Meta needs a hashed email address (highest priority) followed by a hashed phone number and others. 

Meta’s pixel does not collect the email address and phone number directly. Whereas, when you turn on automatic advanced matching, Meta’s pixel will automatically identify any fields and sources that contain email addresses, first names, and last names. This identified information is layered on the website visitor’s actions (events) and hashed in the user’s browser.

This information is used to identify the user accurately with the ad they clicked and the action they took. This helps not only with retargeting but also with attributing the results accurately. 

Note: Advanced matching also assures users of their privacy as the hashed information is discarded after the user is identified within its servers. 

So, when Meta is able to match the users accurately, it 

Maximize Your Meta Ad Campaign Performance With First-party Data

Types Of Advanced Matching

Meta offers two types of advanced matching:

  1. Automatic Advanced Matching
  2. Manual Advanced Matching

While the automatic way is just a toggle on, the manual one requires the help of a developer to modify the pixel code in the website.

Automatic Advanced Matching

Automatic way is easy to set up and get things started. All you have to do is turn on the toggle.

Advanced Matching turn on setting in Facebook in Events Manager settings

Before turning it on, here are certain prerequisites:

  • Pixel code is present across all the web pages where people enter information
  • iFrame is not used 
  • IMG pixel is not used
  • Business is not on the restricted list

You cannot use automatic method if your business falls under any of the following verticals:

  • Banking, 
  • Lending, 
  • Financial services, 
  • Insurance, 
  • Pharmaceuticals 
  • Health

How to set up automatic advanced matching?

From the Ads Manager home, navigate to Event Manager> data sources > Choose the pixel for which you want to set up automatic method. Go to settings, scroll down to find ‘automatic advanced matching’, and toggle on. From the drop-down of ‘show customer information parameters’, choose the parameters you want Meta to collect. 

Email and phone number are of the highest priority, and therefore, need to be toggled on. 

Once the required parameters are toggled on, wait 48 hours to see the results in the events manager in the Meta Ads manager.

Manual Advanced Matching

To implement advanced matching manually, you need to have access to your website code. Ideally, to ensure things do not go the wrong way, you need a developer in place to set it up manually. 

How to set up advanced matching manually?

You need to insert the pixel fbq function call as a parameter in your website code. Push the visitor data and the parameters as a JSON to Meta. 

Just replace the Pixel ID with your Pixel ID in the below code.

fbq('init', 'Pixel ID', {
  em: '[email protected]',     //Values will be hashed automatically by the pixel using SHA-256
  fn: 'first_name',    
  ln: 'last_name'      

However, if you are already hashing the user information with SHA-256, you can use the IMG tag to pass these values to Meta. Below is the example of sending the user data hashed using the <img> tag

Just change the PIXEL ID to your pixel ID in the below code.

<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"
  &cd[currency]=USD" />

To learn more about the manual setup of advanced matching, read this developers article on Facebook or simply contact our experts to know

Best Practices For Advanced Matching On Facebook

If you cannot afford developer support, it is better to directly choose automatic advanced matching. However, using the Conversions API of CustomerLabs CDP, you can eliminate the hassle of setting up event tracking across your website without signal loss.

Pixel Across All Pages

Ensure to have the Meta pixel installed across all the web pages, especially those where the visitors enter their personal details such as first name, last name, email address, phone number, city, country, ZIP codes, or gender.

For Restricted Business Verticals

If your business is one of the restricted businesses, automatic advanced matching does not work. To mitigate signal loss when your business is in a restricted vertical, the ideal way would be Conversions API + Manual Advanced Matching + Automatic Advanced Matching. 

For iFrame

Automatic method does not work for iframe. If your pixel is set up in an iframe, manual set up is the best. 

For IMG Pixel

If you are using an IMG pixel <img>, automatic advanced matching will not work. Therefore, you have to set it up manually to send all the parameters to Meta. 

Manual Advanced Matching + Automatic Advanced Matching + Conversions API

Facebook reported, using automatic method coupled with manual is a better setup. Both manual and automatic advanced matching on Facebook work differently and therefore, the combo helps you drive maximum performance.

The best setup, according to Meta’s Signals playbook, is 

Conversions API + Manual Advanced Matching + Automatic Advanced Matching

Conversions API set up using CustomerLabs CDP sends the data on the server-side to Meta without signal loss. The manual advanced matching will send all the details from the page where the pixel is set up. The automatic advanced matching will automatically identify the fields on the website where first name, last name, and email address are present.


Facebook’s advanced matching for its pixel is a valuable tool for marketers, especially after the iOS14+ and the other data privacy updates. It is a treasure that helps Meta match the users with the event information it receives through its pixel. The advanced matching, in no doubt, results in better custom audience match rate, reduced cost per conversion and better attribution.

The personal information is collected in a privacy-centric way to offer personalized retargeting to the users. This is one of the best ways to preserve user’s privacy while offering personalized ad experience. 

Conversions API, automatic and manual advanced matching together are the best way a business can tackle the issue of user data privacy while collecting data for retargeting and analytics, better attribution and maximized ad campaign performance.

Set up Conversions API and Advanced Matching in Facebook in 30 minutes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To turn on Advanced Matching in Meta, Go to the events manager > data sources > select the pixel and go to settings. Scroll down to find the advanced matching feature, turn the toggle. Click on show customer information parameters and select the parameters you want to send to facebook for advanced matching.
Facebook Advanced Matching is a feature that helps you match the user information with the event data when using Facebook Pixel. The user information includes email address, name, phone number and others, in a SHA-256 hashed manner.
fbc and fbp are the identifiers that are sent to Facebook from the server-side. fbp represents the browser ID while fbc represents the click ID. Meta uses these parameters to identify the users and match them in their accounts center from the custom audience.
Facebook uses its pixel to track the user behavior across the website. It collects all the event data (the actions that a user takes) and sends it to the Meta Ad platform.
Manual advanced matching is always better as it helps collect the data even with iframe and img tag. However, the recommended set up involves both manual and automatic advanced matching along with Conversions API.

Marketing enthusiast who enjoys writing articles on a wide range of topics including Marketing, SaaS, Technology, Construction, Life lessons, Public Policy Nature, and Sustainability. Good at Public Policy analysis with a deeper understanding of societal issues and potential solutions. Also loves to volunteer & contribute to society in every possible way.

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