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What are Facebook Lead Ads? Best practices and strategies for more business



Not to mention that Facebook is one of the largest advertising platforms to find our target audience.  Your target audience from the 2.9 billion users must be definitely scrolling down the Facebook feed.

Facebook Lead Ads was out a few years back to help marketers reach and capture their target audience at better conversion rates. They are designed to collect leads at lower prices from prospects both on mobile and desktop ads. 

How do Facebook Lead Ads work?

Earlier, the conversion of leads involved a lot of different steps, which at some point redirected the user from the advertising platform to a landing page and had to interact with an additional call-to-action in order to provide the personal details. 

This often resulted in an unsuccessful conversion due to the fact that users had to follow quite a lot of steps to provide the personal details and drift from social media environment to untrusted external environment. 

But with Facebook Lead Ads, when the user clicks on the ad, a pop-up window within the advertising platform pops out with the pre-filled user data. In most cases, the user just needs to confirm if the automatically filled information is right. 

Integrate your CRM with Facebook lead ads – Why?

In general, when a person fills out a form the lead enters into the CRM and is validated by a sales persona. 

But with this CRM – Facebook integration, here the integration happens in two ways where information goes back and forth between the two systems. In this integration, CRM gets in the lead and will send back the information from the CRM to Facebook, to let the algorithm takes in the data information and teaches itself to optimise for better results.

By sharing the micro-conversions from CRM, Facebook lead ads campaigns are optimized for high-quality leads.

Through CustomerLabs No – Code CDP tool, you can seamlessly build an integration between your CRM and Facebook effortlessly without writing a line of code.

The best-recommended way to share event data from CRM and Facebook can be done seamlessly is via Conversions API.

Facebook Conversions API

Conversions API or server-side API lets you share data directly from your website or server to the Facebook server directly. 

CAPI is a much-preferred and recommended mode of transferring data between websites and Facebook as the pixel ability to share data is severely limited due to adblockers, third-party cookie blocking by browsers, iOS’14 updates, etc.

Without writing a line of code, using the CustomerLabs CDP tool you can seamlessly integrate your website and Facebook via Conversions API in less than 60 minutes.

Facebook Lead ads vs Conversions ads

Facebook Lead ads bring in leads via internal form submissions within Facebook. It won’t redirect visitors to external landing pages. 

But for a Conversion ad, you send people to an external landing page for an e-book download, course subscription, etc. By using pixel, you still can track conversions on the external landing page.

Conversion Lead Optimization Goal for Lead Ads

Conversions lead optimization lets advertisers optimize their ads for high-quality leads. While creating a lead ad, you can optimize the ad for various result outcomes like high quality leads for conversions or high quantity leads

For optimization goal for your Lead ads you can choose leads or Conversion Leads. Here’s the difference between leads and Conversions leads 

Leads – This lets you bring in high-quality leads from your lead ads

Conversion Leads – This optimization brings in leads from lead ads that have a higher potential to convert as customers.

If you’d like to set up conversion leads goal for Facebook lead ads, Here’s the step by step process to set up conversion lead ads optimization for Facebook Lead ads

Facebook Lead ad strategies

Create lookalikes audience: 

For Lead ads campaigns, you can create a lookalike audience group based on the various stages of the CRM –  Lead-POC stage” or “Lead qualified to bring in more qualified leads.

The recommended strategy to maximise conversions for lead ads is to create a lookalike audience for customers rather than different prospect stages within the CRM.

Personalize Lead ads for the website’s anonymous visitors  

98% of the website visitors are anonymous and you can run retargeting campaigns for the high intent audience among them to better the overall conversions

You can collect and segment these anonymous visitors based on their activities like

👉 Visited the pricing page twice in the past 90 days

👉 Added to cart in the past 120 days

👉 Visited product thrice in the last 30 days

👉 Visitors who checked black shoes twice 

👉 And a lot more segments based on the user activity can be created

These segments can be passed on to Facebook and lead ad campaigns can be run for them to book a demo call or subscribe for a trial etc. 

Like to collect anonymous visitor data and create customized segments based on the user activities check out the CustomerLabs CDP audience builder tool to do all that effortlessly.

Less fields and high intent questions

Ask for relevant high intent questions to access and bring in high-quality leads. The fewer the fields within the Facebook Lead forms, the better the results.

Timing and offer

Test out various timings based on your user’s target location and find the best time they are active to fill out the forms. 

For e-commerce businesses, or b2b lead generation businesses – create a compelling offer or discount as a reward for submitting the leads.

Benefits: Why do you need Facebook Lead Ads for your campaigns?

Saves time

Instead of running several ad campaigns and moving around different landing pages, you can seamlessly get a lead over a tap using lead ad campaigns.

With Lead Ads, users can easily submit their details or information through an auto-filled form without leaving the platform. This saves time and money


You have the convenience to customize & tail your questions to vet and bring in high-quality leads for your business.

Get leads from the huge audience pool

Facebook has around 2.1 billion users globally, you can target and run ads among those and can bring in high-quality leads to your business.

Super mobile friendly 

As the forms are prepopulated, the user can submit the form at ease even on mobile or tablets devices.

Image source: Facebook

Reduces friction and drop-off

Rather than moving from landing page to website and others. With lead ads, people just have to simply click a form, enter the details (some are pre-populated), and submit the form. This reduces the friction and drop-off to a great extent when compared to regular ads.

High chance of conversion 

As CRM and Facebook are integrated. You can able to optimise the final conversions indicated in the CRM to the Facebook algorithm. This lets the algorithm understand and teach itself what’s working and what is not, optimises and improves the conversions.

CEO of CustomerLabs, Building next-generation tools for Digital Marketers. Moving ahead into the future of marketing, he realizes first-party data ops is necessary and is building technology to help marketers to make the experience with first-party data ops seamless! Being a founder and business leader, Vishnu talks about #cdp, #martech, #firstpartydata, #firstpartydataops, and #customerdataplatform

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