Why re-activating the mid-funnel is important especially after the iOS’14+ update?

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On average, it takes 8-10 touchpoints for a visitor to decide on making the first purchase.

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But all these touchpoints don’t have to rely on paid retargeting channels, as the ROI is uncertain.

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The iOS’14 update has limited the tracking abilities of ad platforms making retargeting campaigns unreliable.

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It is not advisable to increase the ad budget for the top of the funnel as CPMs are way higher.

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Therefore, re-activating the mid-funnel audience is important as they have the intent to make a purchase.

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Create an omnichannel experience using ad platforms, email, messenger because relevancy and personalization help your audience make the purchase decision.

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To be relevant and personalized to your customer - Start collecting the first-party data now.

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To know how to reactivate mid-funnel audience (first-party data)

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